Same Day Flower Delivery
When orderedbefore 2pm
Customer Review Rating
The Eden eco wrap bouquet is a perfect choice for the eco friendly. It is naturally wrapped in biodegradable wrap and tied with natural hessian ribbon. This is a florist choice bouquet meaning the florist will chose soft colour palette of beautiful flowers wrapped in paper and tied using natural materials. This simple way of presenting the flowers means this is one of the best value bouquets we create getting more flowers for your money and it doesn't cost the Earth! This bouquet is a perfect choice for same day deliveries and also allows the recipient the freedom to arrange the flowers as they please.Also happy in the knowledge they can recycle the wrapping .
Special requests can be made with this bouquet by putting a note on your order are by speaking to one of the team directly on 0191 2522553 or sending us an email at We will happy to help and do our best to accomadate you.
The Eden eco wrap bouquet is a perfect choice for the eco friendly. It is naturally wrapped in biodegradable wrap and tied with natural hessian ribbon. This is a florist choice bouquet meaning the florist will chose soft colour palette of beautiful flowers wrapped in paper and tied using natural materials. This simple way of presenting the flowers means this is one of the best value bouquets we create getting more flowers for your money and it doesn't cost the Earth! This bouquet is a perfect choice for same day deliveries and also allows the recipient the freedom to arrange the flowers as they please.Also happy in the knowledge they can recycle the wrapping .
Special requests can be made with this bouquet by putting a note on your order are by speaking to one of the team directly on 0191 2522553 or sending us an email at We will happy to help and do our best to accomadate you.
105 44.50 The Garden Shop Florist