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Same Day Flower Delivery

Same Day Flower Delivery

When orderedbefore 2pm

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Seasonal cut flowers

Product Description

Bring the beauty of the season into the home with our affordable eco friendly mix of sesaonal cut flowers. Looking for a token gesture that is budget friendly to say thank you, thinking of you or just because you are great! This is the perfect choice. A small stuning selection of seasonal blooms carefully selected for their beauty. A variety of colours and textures to create a truly unique gift. Not sure what the recipient like leave it up to us to make a lovely seasonal selection to brighten any home. 

The flowers will be carefully wrapped in eco friendly paper for the recipeint to cut and arrange themselves. Special request? Give us a call on 0191 2522553 or put a note on your online order.


Flowers may vary depending on seasonal availability the image is for illustration only the recipient will only recieve one wrap not three as pictured.

Seasonal cut flowers

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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